How To Apply For Admission
The school opens registration for new admission for the Nursery classes in the 1st week of April each year.
For the rest of classes, enquiry may we made depending upon the availability of the seats to each class, children would be required to take entrance exams.
A child must be 3+ (6months) years of age for the current year in order to register.
Birth certificates :- Copy of the birth certificate issued by Municipal authorities and attested by a gazetted officer is o be submitted along with the admission forms. Three photos of the child and one phone each of the parents are also required. Without birth certificate the forms will not be accepted.
Transfer Certificate :- From Std. I onwards, admission are finally granted submission of T.C. from the head of the recognised institute dully authorized by educational authorities. The last date for submission of T.C. is August 31st.
Facilities / Infrastructure
Class-rooms :- Classrooms are provided with concerned and smart board facilities. (to check the activities of students)
Library :- More than 900 books are available in the library related to the current topics, weekly magazine, encylopedia etc.
Transport :- Transport are provided to all the nearby areas of Roorkee, Manglore to nearby areas.
Computer Laboratory :- Well furnished computer Lab with all modern facilities.
Science Laboratory :- Physics, Chemistry, Bio Labs with modern equipments.Thank you for your interest in St.Mark’s Academy Sr. Sec. School Roorkee. The following steps are involved in the admission process. We look forward to meeting you!
Come to the school campus and the counselors will assist you with the details.
Form is available at the school premises between 9:00am to 4:00pm only.
Fill it up neatly and carefully with black pen only.
Please ensure that the entire columns are filled.